in collaboration with Nixon Andy and Boloh Miranda Izquierdo
in collaboration with Nixon Andy and Boloh Miranda Izquierdo

Sinangoe is an ancestral A'i Cofán community of three hundred people located on the shores of the Aguarico River. They live mainly from  fishing, hunting and the care of their farms in their territory, which depends on the wellbeing of the rivers that flow through it. Since 2017, Sinangoe has organized to defend their right to live in a healthy territory, an ancestral territory comprising more than 63 775 hectares. With radios, video cameras, camera traps, drones, the Sinangoe indigenous guard periodically scours vast areas of their territory to monitor, document and stop any illegal activities in both primary forest and affluents. The record of the walk of the Sinangoe indigenous guard, the matter of their transits, their frequency, are part of a revealed intermingling that resizes the protection of an ancestral territory and life. Their testimonies and records contributed to a lawsuit against All Metals Minería S.A. and state institutions for having granted twenty concessions for gold exploration and exploitation without a prior consultation process. The concessions a ected the Chingual and Cofanes rivers. At that time, another 32 concessions were being processed.

Nixon Andy
Sofía Acosta Varea
Boloh Miranda Izquierdo

Nicolás Fernández

Two-channel video

32 minutes

Efren Calderón
Ana Lucitante
Alex Lucitante
Edison Lucitante
Morella Mendua
Alexandra Narváez
Holger Quenama
Jefferson Quenama
Celia Tapuy
Alfonso Umenda
William Umenda

With the support of Amazon Frontlines, Fundación Pachamama and Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement.

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